Saturday, March 10, 2007


Check it out:


OR gaze to the right and check out the ten random books generated from my database or you can even search my home library --- IF YOU DARE!


Check back as I have only added a part of my library at home to the database. I got a lifetime membership for the whopping price of $25 and I bought their "Copy Cat" scanner for $20 and it actually does a GREAT job!

(I also must admit, I love seeing my "copy CAT" scanner sitting next to my optical MOUSE.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Limited Edition: "The Thistle"

Deborah Williams writes: "Just before his death in 1982, John Gardner's poem "Thistle" was published as a broadside by The Bellevue Press, founded and run by my husband Gil and I back in 1974.

The broadside was published in an edition limited to 150 copies, printed, letterpress, by Stuart McCarty and with a drawing by Philip Carey. It's in deep violet ink on blue paper and measure 13' X 8 1/2"; it's a beautiful poem, printed beautifully, and signed by the artist. We had an appointment with John to allow him to sign the broadside also, but alas, he died just three days before we were to see him.

There are still a number of these broadsides lift, and they are available through us at $25, which includes postage and shipping."

Contact Deborah Williams, Gil's Book Loft, 82 Court St., Binghamton, NY 13901

(607) 771-6800.